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जम्मू और कश्मीर सरकार
Government of Jammu & Kashmir
حکومت جموں و کشمیر
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पशु , भेड़पालन और मत्स्य विभाग
Animal,Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries Department
محکمہ حیوانات، بھیڑ پالن و ماہی گیری
About Us
Vision & Mission
Citizen Charter
Organizational Setup
Who’s who
Schemes & Programs
Central Schemes
UT Schemes
Acts & Rules
Department of Animal Husbandry, Jammu
Department of Animal Husbandry, Kashmir
Department of Sheep Husbandry, Jammu
Department of Sheep Husbandry, Kashmir
Department of Fisheries, J&K
Livestock Development Board, Kashmir
RTI Act, 2005
Public Information Officers and First Appellate Authorities (Administrative Department)
Notice Board
Seniority lists
Press Release
e Compendium
e Compendium
Public Notices
Select List for the post of VAS in Animal Husbandry Department (Notice)
Issuance of Revised tentative Seniority List of Veterinary Assistant Surgeons of Animal Husbandry department as it stood on 01-01-2023
Retirement of officer of the Department of Sheep Husbandry (Gazetted) J&K during the calender year 2025 (Notification)
Final Selection list-cum-allocation of cadres & Departments for remaining Class-IV posts
Retirement on Superannuation of the members of J&K Animal Husbandry (Gazetted) Services (VAS) during the calender year 2024 (Notification)
Retirement notification on superannuation of the members of J&K Animal Husbandry (Gazetted) Services (VAS) during calende year 2024
Retirement notification on superannuation of the members of J&K Animal Husbandry (Gazetted) Services (VAS) during calende year 2023
Retirement notification on superannuation of the members of J&K Animal Husbandry (Gazetted) Services (VAS) during calende year 2023
Selection list for the post of VAS in Animal husbandry Department
LSD Notification Controlled Area
LSD Notification Controlled Area
Final seniority list of VASs of Sheep Husbandry Department as it stood on 01.01.2022
Tentative seniority list of VASs of Animal Husbandry Department as it stood on 01.01.2022
Final seniority list of Livestock Development Officers of Animal Husbandry Department
Final common seniority list of the members of J&K, Fisheries (Gazetted) service as it stood on 01.01.2021
Final seniority list of VASs of Animal Husbandry Department as on 01.01.2021
Final seniority list of Inspectors of Fisheries of Department as on 01.01.2008 & 01.01.2010
Final seniority list of VASs of Sheep Husbandry Department, J&K as on 01.12.2020
Veterinary Council Act, 1984 read with Notification SO 236-ammendment thereof
Jammu & kashmir Animal Husbandry (Subordinate) service recruitment rules 2021
Tentative seniority list of Deputy Director(s) of Fisheries Department as it stood on 01.01.2021
Tentative seniority list of Livestock Development Officers of Animal Husbandry Department
Jammu & kashmir Fisheries (Gazetted) service recruitment rules 2009
Jammu & kashmir Fisheries (Subordinate) service recruitment rules 2008
Maintainance of register of the Government servants who have attained the age of 48 years or completed 22 years of service as on 01.01.2021
Tentative seniority list of Fisheries Inspectors of Fisheries Department as on 01.01.2008 & 01.01.2010
Tentative seniority list of VASs of AH Department as on 01.01.2021
Notification of Avain Influenza at Balgarden, Srinagar
Notification of Avain Influenza at Rafiabad, Baramulla
Notification of Avain Inflenza at Hajjin, Bandipora