Livestock Census
The Livestock Census started in the country in the year 1919. So far, 20 livestock censuses have been conducted. Livestock Census is a complete count of the livestock and poultry at pre-defined reference point of time. Similar to population census, primary workers are engaged to undertake house to house enumeration and ascertain the number, age, sex, etc., of livestock/poultry possessed by every household/ household enterprise/ non-household/ non-household enterprises and institutions in rural & urban areas of the country. For the first time tablet computers were used for conduct of 20th livestock census.
Integrated Sample Survey
The production of major livestock products (MLP) namely milk, eggs, meat and wool is estimated on the basis of annual sample surveys conducted under the Central Sector Scheme “Integrated Sample Survey”. The scheme is implemented by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying through State Animal Husbandry Departments. All States & UTs are implementing the scheme. Surveys conducted in entire rural and urban areas of the States and UTs. The survey period is from March to February and the entire period of one year is divided into 4 months each. This helps in bringing up progressive estimates of aggregates and also takes care of seasonality if any in the characters under study.
- Conducting quinquennial livestock census.
- Conducting annual sample survey through Integrated Sample Survey.
- Publishing of Annual estimates of production of milk, eggs, meat, wool and other related Animal Husbandry Statistics based on Integrated Sample Survey conducted through States and Union Territories.
Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS)
- Conducting quinquennial livestock census.
- Conducting annual sample survey through Integrated Sample Survey.
- Publishing of Annual estimates of production of milk, eggs, meat, wool and other related Animal Husbandry Statistics based on Integrated Sample Survey conducted through States and Union Territories.
- To generate self-employment and provide infrastructure for dairy sector;
- To promote setting up of modern dairy farms for production of clean milk;
- To encourage setting up of vermi compost pits along with milch animal units;
- To encourage heifer calf rearing, thereby conserving good breeding stock;
- To bring structural changes in the unorganised sector and upgrade traditional technology to handle milk on a commercial scale (purchase of milking machines, milkotesters and bulk milk cooling units; cold storage facilities for milk)
- To provide value addition to milk through manufacture of indigenous milk products and establishment of dairy product transportation facilities, cold chain and cold storage;
- To encourage setting up of dairy marketing outlets.